Prior to your big day, you will be able to communicate with Heena to discuss what you are seeking to achieve in your looks. From this, she will able to use my skills and knowledge to create a bespoke look tailored to you.
Heena prides herself on providing the most personal experience to brides no matter where they are, Heena always takes the time to understand what you do and don’t like, and she will cover all bases to ensure you have a smooth and relaxed day – don’t forget Heena offers Bridal services for all occasions during your wedding time, so you can use Heena throughout all of your events including your other special occasions!
Heena’s signature look boasts a flawless and clean base without making the makeup look caked on! Any look created will be finished to nothing but perfection. With Heena, you will have peace of mind that your day runs smoothly and perfection is of utmost importance. Her service is not limited to just hair and makeup, but to also keeps you relaxed and calm from those nerves you get on the day.
Made with ❤️ by Mehul Panchal